



physical fitness, schoolchildren, visual impairment, testing.


The urgency of the problem. It is known that in order to ensure the normal functioning of all body systems of schoolchildren with visual impairment, activation of their motility is necessary. Limitation of motor activity due to dysfunction of the visual analyzer leads to a serious deterioration of the state of health, weakens its protective forces and determines the relevance of the study of indicators of physical fitness of schoolchildren with visual impairment and their comparison with data of relatively healthy peers. The purpose of the scientific research is to assess and compare the level of physical fitness of 13-year-old schoolchildren with visual impairment relative to their healthy peers. The results. In general, it can be noted that in the group of 13 schoolchildren with visual impairment, the majority had sufficient or satisfactorily developed speed and dexterity and a satisfactory level of strength, endurance and flexibility. A study of the results of physical fitness testing in a group of 13-year-old schoolchildren without visual impairment showed that the distribution of results according to the performance levels of the speed and dexterity test in them is almost the same as in schoolchildren with visual impairment. Conclusions. During the analysis of the data obtained in the presented scientific study, it was found that when performing tests for the development of endurance, 13-year-old schoolchildren with visual impairment showed significantly worse results, since the difference in the number of attempts when lifting the trunk from a lying position was on average 4.1 times and was statistically significant at the p<0.01 level. According to the received data of the assessment of the level of physical fitness of 13-year-old schoolchildren, it was found that adolescents with visual impairment had significantly lower results on tests of endurance (lifting the trunk) and flexibility than their peers without this pathology.


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