


women, preparedness, Pilates, aquafitness, involutive processes.


Preservation and restoration of health for 50–60 years is one of the urgent problems of our time, which is not only of scientific and practical interest, but also contributes to the solution of economic, social and demographic tasks of society. Women at this age remain active in professional activities, often have an unsatisfactory state of health, which is caused by significant changes in physiological functions, neuroendocrine restructuring and the appearance of signs of age-related diseases. Purpose is to determine the role of aquafitness and pilates in improving the functional condition of women aged 50–60. Research methods. The work used theoretical research methods: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature. Results. The modern fitness industry offers many wellness systems for people of different ages, but the method of doing physical exercises with women 50-60 years old requires a special approach, since women of this age are characterized by a significant decrease in physical quality indicators, the presence of somatic diseases and functional disorders of body systems. However, many scientific studies did not pay attention to the development and substantiation of individual programs of Pilates classes of various goals in combination with aquafitness, which would take into account load parameters depending on the level of physical condition and priority motives of women 50–60 years old. Conclusions. The results of the conducted research indicate that women 50–60 years old are characterized by deterioration of the general psychophysical condition and decrease in the movement capabilities of the body, mainly related to the physical qualities of strength and flexibility. These processes are caused, on the one hand, by natural involutional changes, and on the other, by negative factors of the external environment and insufficient physical activity of women of this age group. The combination of aquafitness and pilates has a powerful health-improving effect for maintaining health and increasing the physical fitness of women aged 50–60.


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