


algorithm, cognitive component, competencies, construction, model, training, trainerteacher.


The article examines the scientific and methodological aspects of optimizing the process of professional training of trainers-teachers based on the use in the educational process of the method of constructing practical variants of the cognitive component of the pedagogical model of training specialists in the form of algorithmized educational tasks. The analysis of the works of scientists proves the absence of an effective model of building an educational trajectory for the training of teacher trainers in specialized educational institutions. During the training of trainers-teachers, one of the leading and independent subjects of knowledge acquisition should be systems of specific and logical methods of mental activity. Therefore, innovative methods and technologies for the formation of knowledge, abilities and skills play a special role in the learning process. The purpose of the work is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the need to optimize the process of professional training of future trainers-teachers based on the application of the method of constructing practical variants of the cognitive component of the pedagogical model of training specialists in the form of algorithmized training tasks. Research methods: theoretical and methodological research of scientists, classification, theoretical modelling, clarification of cause and effect relationships, observation, methods of comparison, synthesis, analysis. Discussion. In the system of training a modern specialist, issues of integration and differentiation of scientific knowledge play a leading role. The specified processes are manifested in the need to combine the planning of the content of the training of trainers-teachers with a mandatory orientation to the final results of training, to the multifunctional activity of specialists, which is a rather difficult category during the implementation of the current model of a narrow focus of training in the aspect of solving the tasks of the formation of professional competencies. To construct practical variants of the cognitive component in the form of algorithmized learning tasks, we offer a special approach, which is concluded in the following. At the first stage, systems of main ideas, laws, provisions (invariants) are distinguished, which retain their meaning and content in all parts of phenomena, facts and subject areas. The specified invariant part forms the so-called fundamental theoretical core. Based on it, the subject-specific components are designed, which are focused on the assimilation of professional-specialized competencies and include professionally-oriented categories of the training course. The specified components are characterized by variability and may be subject to modifications during changes in the content and structure of professional education. At the same time, algorithmized educational tasks should include real situations from the future professional activity of specialists in the aspect of practical use of managerial influences.


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