students, training group, conditioning swimming, function of external breathing.Abstract
At the current stage in Ukraine, the issue of improving the level of health, physical and functional readiness of students in physical education classes is particularly acute. The magnitude of this problem is confirmed by the results of scientific research, according to which the number of students of preparatory and special medical groups is steadily increasing in higher educational institutions, which indicates a tendency for the health of graduates to deteriorate. The use of conditioning swimming in physical education classes dictates the need to take into account the functional state of the respiratory system before the swimming load of the conditioning direction, while at the same time there are almost no publications related to conditioning swimming among students. Purpose is to determine the role of conditioning swimming in increasing the functional capabilities of the external breathing system of students of the preparatory group. Research methods. The work used theoretical research methods: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature. Results. Within the framework of the problem of improving the health level of students of the preparatory group, the issue of increasing the effectiveness of their physical education, in which swimming plays an important role, particularly conditioning swimming, is especially relevant. Exercises in conditioned swimming are able to adjust and improve the level of motor and functional readiness of students, in particular, to improve the effect on the functional state of the external respiratory system. Conclusions. The results of the research show that the low indicators of physical development, physical fitness and functional state of the external breathing system among students of the preparatory group determine the need for systematic and properly organized conditioning swimming classes. The beneficial effect of such classes is possible only if the used means and methods correspond to the individual features of the external breathing function of the students and their level of physical fitness.
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