


sports, physical education, higher education institutions, sports games.


The article shows that, according to the theoretical and methodological concepts that have been developing in the country in recent years, it should be assumed that the methodology and organization of physical training of young people should be based on the concept of training as a single scientifically based concept of managing the development of human physical potential. Sport-oriented physical education has a very powerful value potential, which is due to the fact that the values of sport are similar to the same value orientations in any other activity. The functions of sports-oriented physical education are: educational (understanding the essence of a person as a socio-biological individual, rules for building the educational and training process, etc.); creative (talent combined with physical strength and health), health (harmony of physical and mental well-being), social (experience of interpersonal relationships), motivational (attitude to the personal level of sports training). The problem of physical education in higher education institutions is the persistent indifference to training sessions among 16.9 % of higher education students, 28.3 % of students do not feel their favorable influence, sometimes opposing them, and 22.6 % remain indifferent and inactive. In order to eliminate the current situation, the article formulates the basics of organizing sports-oriented physical education in higher education institutions on the priority use of sports games: free choice of physical culture and sports activities, organization of training influences, formation of training groups taking into account personal characteristics, physical fitness, motives and interests, optimality of training loads and their adequacy, continuity of regulated and independent forms of training, rejection of normative.


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