public-private partnerships, innovation, physical culture, specialists, managers, training, sport, public policyAbstract
The article analyses modern scientific research on the problems of training specialists in physical culture and sports, searching for new approaches to the application of their knowledge and skills in the implementation of partnership projects between Government and Private Sector. The results indicate the importance of changes at the state level, implementation of innovative activities, development of alternative solutions to the problems of physical culture and sports on current stage. On the one hand, the need for educational services and the proposed new types of innovations in education aimed at improving the quality of education and practical skills, on the other hand, the introduction of public-private partnerships in the field of physical culture and sports will stimulate the creation of an effective system of training managers, which has led to the relevance of the topic and the purpose of the study. The purpose of the study is to investigate the theoretical and methodological foundations of PPP and determine the prerequisites for its implementation in the field of physical culture and sports. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: the methods of theoretical analysis and summarization of data from scientific and methodological literature, empirical research materials and documents were used. The method of system analysis, pedagogical observation, methods of mathematical statistics, the method of combining logical and historical analysis of the development of socio-economic relations in the field of physical culture and sports were used. The analysis of literary sources showed that the results of research on human resources training and the implementation of partnerships between Government and Private Sector have a significant impact on overcoming negative phenomena, intensifying innovation, forming an effective investment policy and building sports infrastructure, which helps to accelerate the solution of problems development of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. The conducted research shows that in the process of reforming this area, the system of training specialists in physical culture and sports, including managers, in the context of PPP development requires a rethinking of integrative economic, social, pedagogical, organizational and regulatory factors that effectively interact with each other.
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