mature age, women, body composition, posture, goniometric characteristicsAbstract
The relevance of the problem. In an era of dramatic social change and transformation, women's health is a strategic resource for Ukrainian society. The spatial organization of the body should be defined as an external form of manifestation of the morphological and functional unity of the human body organization. The goniometric indicators of the body serve as a basis for assessing the purposefulness of pedagogical influences in the organization of the process of health fitness of women aged 23–26 years with different somatotypes involved in the study. The purpose of the study – to determine the features of body goniometry of women aged 23–26 years with different somatotypes. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, anthropometry, pedagogical experiment, photography and analysis of the biogeometric profile of women's posture, methods of mathematical statistics. Results of the study. The study found that 26.7% of the subjects had an asthenic body type, 28.9% had a picnic type, and 44.4% had a normosthenic type. The study examined the peculiarities of the spatial organization of the body of women aged 23–26 years with different somatotypes, in particular, the angular characteristics of the body. It was found that in women with an asthenic body type, the angle α1 (between the vertical line and the line connecting the spinous process of vertebrae СVII and the center of mass (CM) of the head) is slightly smaller than in subjects with other body types, and even by the average value, it is less than normal (from 30.26° to 31.5°), indicating a lower forward head tilt. Average angle value α2 (between the horizontal line and the line connecting the highest point of the frontal bone and the chin protrusion) are within the normal range (from 89° to 90.2°) and it is also the smallest compared to the average values in other typological groups. However, the mean value of the angle α3 ((between the vertical line and the line connecting the spinous processes of vertebrae VII and LV) is the highest in them, which is significant because this angle in them exceeds the upper limits of the norm (from 1.5° to 2.6°). Women with normosthenic and picnic body types have similar average values for the angles α1 and α2 , which are within the normative values. However, the angle α3 in women of picnic body type is slightly smaller, which may indicate a more correct posture of these women. In order to better understand the differences in posture between women with different body types, we turn to a detailed analysis of individual data, presenting possible deviations from the norm in percentage terms. Conclusions. Characterizing the body goniometry of the studied contingent of women aged 23–26 years, we first of all note the absence of significant differences in it in persons with different body types. The majority of them, regardless of body type, had normal head and neck position (at the angle of α1– 75,6% 75.6% of all women examined, at the angle of α2 – 91,1%), and the angle of torso inclination was higher than normal in all of them.
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