


mature age, men, motivation, fitness self-esteem, fitness programs


Relevance of the problem. Socio-economic transformations in society over the last twenty years have changed the vision of the place and role of a person in the structure of the latter, his or her motives and value orientations in the system of social relations. Therefore, against the background of a significant segment of society's distinct limitations in movement due to the technogenic conditions of its existence, the lack of awareness of the value of health and the expediency of adhering to a healthy lifestyle has become particularly acute, to the extent of a trigger. The purpose of the study – to determine the peculiarities of motivation of men aged 26–31 years to engage in health fitness. Research methods: analysis and generalization of professional scientific literature, sociological methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Results of the study. The study participants aged 26–28 demonstrated more stable and higher motivation for fitness, experienced fewer obstacles and negative emotions during training compared to men aged 29–31, who were more likely to feel tired, require effort to train, and seek company to support their motivation. This conclusion is also confirmed by comparing the overall fitness motivation score, which for all subjects aged 26–28 corresponded to the average level, while all subjects aged 29–31 had a low level of motivation to engage in health fitness. The structure of motivations of men aged 26–28 was dominated by the achievement of personal results and self-improvement, while older men focused more on health, well-being, and professional activities. Based on these findings, training programs that incorporate elements of competition and individual achievement should be developed to maintain motivation in men aged 26–28. For men aged 29–31 years, it is better to include social aspects in training, such as group sessions, and to take into account their needs for health maintenance and stress reduction. In addition, taking into account individual motivations and self-esteem when designing fitness programs can help to achieve better results and increase satisfaction with exercise. Conclusions. The analysis of fitness self-esteem, motivation, and motivation structure of men aged 26–31 indicates the need for a differentiated approach to training programs that takes into account age-related characteristics and motivational factors to ensure effective and satisfactory health fitness classes.


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