


martial arts, ju-jutsu, teenagers aged 14–17, periodization of the training process, volume of loads, intensity, stages of training.


The urgency of the problem. It is known that the most important prerequisites for the success of the educational and training process of learning the motor skills of different contingents engaged in are the order of interconnection of different aspects of training (theoretical, physical, as well as technical), stages of preparation and a differentiated approach to the quantitative and qualitative side of training loads. The goal − to justify the feasibility of introducing a model of periodization of training loads at various stages of classes of schoolchildren aged 14–17 years in the martial art of Jiu-Jitsu Research methods: analysis of sources of scientific and scientific-methodical literature and Internet data; expert evaluation of the level of health and physical abilities of adolescents aged 14–17 years at various stages of training in the martial art of Jiu-Jutsu; pedagogical comparative experiment; quantitative and qualitative processing of research materials using methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. It has been confirmed that the most important prerequisites for the success of the educational and training process of learning the motor skills of different contingents of people engaged in are the order of interconnection of different aspects of training (theoretical, physical, technical), stages of preparation and a differentiated approach to the quantitative and qualitative side of training loads. The article presents the results of the study of the regularities of the construction of the training process in martial arts, in particular, the justification of the periodization of training loads. In this process, special attention is paid to the study of the components of the training effect, where one of the most important is the size of the training load, which includes the volume and intensity of physical exercises on the example of training teenagers in the martial arts of the Jiu-Jitsu school. Also, the most informative indicators characterizing the readiness of teenagers to study have been established.


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