Requirements for articles
A 4 page; fields: the upper - 2 cm, the bottom - 2 cm, the left - 3 cm, the right – 1,5 cm; intended paragraph – 1,25 cm; line spacing – 1,5; font – Times New Roman; size: 14.
The volume of the article – from 12 to 25 pages (including Lists of Bibliography and Summary).
1. The UDC index.
2. First name, patronymic, and last name of the author(s), personal information about the author(s) (degree and academic rank, job position, author’s place of employment, ORCID ID are carried in the article language.
3. The title of the article has to include no more than 10 words, clarify core issue, and to be interesting for a wide audience of researchers.
4. Summary (from 250 to 300 words) and key words in the article language (5-10 words). The summary has to include such necessary elements: issue topicality, goal of the research, methods and research results.
5. The research article has to involve such structural elements as followings:
Goal and tasks.
Research methods.
Research results.
Conclusions should not involve an information, which is absent in the article main text.
6. Bibliography is performed in alphabetical order
7. References. Execute in accordance with the standard APA (APA Style Reference Citations). Author (transliteration), the article title (translit.), the article title (English translation, in square brackets), name of source (translit.), input data (city with notation, in English), and publishing house. Example:
- Tymo Ye.V. (2016). Diialnist pryvatnykh sportyvnykh klubiv Ukrainy [Activities of private sports clubs of Ukraine]. Naukovyi chasopys Natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni M.P. Drahomanova. Seriia 15 “Naukovo-pedahohichni problemy fizychnoi kultury (fizychna kultura i sport)”. 2016. Vyp. 6 (76). S. 125–128. [in Ukrainian].
8. Name in another language than the article language.
9. The title of the article in Ukrainian or English (in another language than the article language).
10. Summary(from 250 to 300 words) and key words in English or Ukrainian (in another language than the article language) (5-10 words).
Names and surnames transliteration is performed in accordance with the requirements of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On Normalization of Transliteration of the Ukrainian Alphabet by Means of the Latin Alphabet” dated January 27, 2010, № 55.
It is impossible to translate by online services.