



martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, pain techniques, technique demonstration, application section, protection from blows, release from captures and captures, threat with weapons, kata.


Today, hand-to-hand combat is not only a fast-growing sport, but also an important part of the special physical training of military personnel and law enforcement officers. At the current stage of development, according to the rules of sports competitions, competitive activity in handto- hand combat takes place in two sections, duels and demonstration of technique. The content of the competitive activity in the section "Demonstration of applied techniques" of hand-to-hand combat fully corresponds to the specifics of solving operational and service tasks without and with the use of weapons by representatives of various power structures. Pain techniques are one of the tools for solving situational tasks related to repelling a conditional attack and neutralizing the enemy. The problem of the use of pain techniques in extreme conditions in the professional literature is fragmentary and limited in nature. Thus, there is an important scientific and applied problem of non-compliance of the existing level of scientific and methodological substantiation and practical implementation of the integral approach of training athletes in the applied section of hand-to-hand combat with the modern problems of sports practice. Purpose. on the basis of theoretical analysis, analysis of video materials of competitive activity, own experimental studies to determine the features of the use of special pain techniques in the section demonstration of applied techniques of hand-to-hand combat. Methods. The work uses theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources; general scientific research methods; systemic, structural-functional, process, comparative and situational approaches. Results. Pain techniques are a tool for achieving an advantage over an opponent as a result of the use of technical actions aimed at temporarily limiting (and even stopping) a person's mobility by means of painful effects on sensitive parts of the body. Due to the high possibility of physical injury, the execution of pain techniques on individual segments of the human body is prohibited in most types of martial arts. But in the applied section of hand-to-hand combat, a group of pain techniques are used to neutralize the opponent's attack, with the possibility of dosing the intensity of the effect depending on the opponent's behavior, his physical and emotional state, which forces the opponent to stop resisting and allows you to control his subsequent actions. The models of the use of special pain techniques of hand-to-hand combat, developed during the work, allow us to get an idea of the options for performing certain actions depending on the type of attack. But in extreme conditions, athletes do not use all possible options for performing techniques to solve situational tasks. In the course of the work, it was established that the most effective and popular special pain technique is turning the hand outward. In general, the possibility of applying certain actions is influenced by the type of threat, the dynamics of the situation, the starting position and the technical readiness of the performer. The theoretical and practical aspects of the scientific work presented above will be the basis for further optimization of the system of applied training of arm wrestling athletes at various stages of multi-year improvement.


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