


physical training, physical training tests, standards, body composition, combat readiness.


Relevance of the problem. The current system for assessing the physical fitness of solders of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is aimed at assessing mainly physical qualities and militaryapplied skills, which only partially characterize their physical condition. In addition, it has lost its stimulating function. And that is why it needs to be reformed. In all branches of the US armed forces since the 80s of the last century, when assessing the physical readiness of servicemen for combat activity, along with measuring the movement capabilities of servicemen, their body composition is measured, which is determined by the ratio of height, weight and fat content in the body. The command of the US armed forces considers the control of body weight to be an additional stimulating factor for systematic training by military personnel. The experience of American scientists can be useful in the transformation of the domestic system for assessing the physical readiness of military personnel for combat activities. Research objective – analysis of the value of body composition assessment in the system for assessing the physical readiness of US military personnel. Research methods: analysis, generalization and systematization of scientific literature data, guiding documents defining the system of physical training of the US Army. Research results. The physical readiness assessment system created in the ground forces, which provides for mandatory measurement of the body composition of solders, allows to create a more complete picture of the physical condition of personnel, as well as the effectiveness of physical training.


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