



women, Pilates, functional state, working capacity, yoga


The modern fitness industry offers many fitness and health systems. However, the technique of doing physical exercises with women 45-50 years old requires a special approach, since women of this age are characterized by a decrease in indicators of physical qualities, the presence of somatic diseases and functional disorders of body systems. The popularity of a new direction is also noted – a combination of yoga and Pilates, which is based on achieving mental harmony while performing exercises. The purpose of the study: to substantiate the effectiveness of physical education classes with women aged 45-50 based on the system of yoga and pilates on the functional state of their cardiorespiratory system. Research methods. Theoretical research methods were used in the work: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical experiment, medical and biological methods, methods of mathematical statistics. Work results. The peculiarities of the experimental methodology of physical education classes, which involve the complex use of means, methods and methodical principles of Pilates and yoga, selected in the optimal ratio, are substantiated; the combined effect of physical, breathing exercises, mental techniques and sound accompaniment and the use of individual sets of preventive exercises aimed at preventing exacerbations of chronic diseases and functional disorders of body systems in 45-50 year olds are shown. Conclusions. The application of the complex method of yoga and pilates is effective for improving the functional state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of women 45-50 years old and can be safely used in physical culture and health activities.


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