"Soft skills" play a key role in student life and further career. Students who have problem-solving skills can cope more effectively with academic and everyday challenges. It can also be useful in developing creative approaches to problem solving. "Soft skills" also play an important role in the personal development of students. Empathy and understanding of others can improve the quality of relationships with others, and leadership skills can help students become more confident and goal-oriented individuals. Future physical education teachers also need "soft skills" that will help them interact effectively with students, colleagues, and parents. Physical education teachers should communicate effectively with students, explain the rules of games and exercises, and maintain an open dialogue with parents. Physical education teachers need a special ability to motivate students to an active lifestyle and physical activity. This is an important skill that can contribute to improving physical health, developing sports skills and creating a positive atmosphere in the classroom. Physical education teachers often play a leadership role, especially during outdoor activities or team games. A good leader creates a positive environment and motivates students. Ability to adapt to different fitness levels of students and create lessons that are suitable for a wide range of abilities. Understanding the individual needs and characteristics of each student. Empathy is also important when considering physical limitations and caring for students’ well-being. Organizational skills are essential for a physical education teacher as they help to plan effectively, manage time and create structured lessons. A physical education teacher’s ability to work in a team contributes to the creation of a positive and supportive environment in physical education classes, as well as in the school community in general. Patience and tolerance help the physical education teacher to take into account the individual characteristics of the students, such as physical abilities, level of training, interests and needs. These "soft skills" will help future physical education teachers to effectively implement educational and educational goals, as well as to maintain a positive attitude towards physical activity in their students.
Наход С.А. Значущість «soft skills» для професійного становлення майбутніх фахівців соціономічних професій. Секція 5. Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи, 2018. Випуск 63. С. 131–135.
Коваль К.О. Розвиток «soft skills» у студентів = один з важливих чинників працевлаштування. Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту, 2015. № 2. С. 162–167.