


material and technical support, activity, distribution, funds, directions, children’s and youth sport school, achieved, distribution, state


The experience of finding new directions to modernize material and technical support can be applied by children’s sports organizations of various forms of ownership. This can be an important link in the further effective development of the field of physical culture and sport. Purpose: to characterize the modern material and technical support of the municipal institution of Anatoliy Didukh children’s and youth sport school (Lviv). Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization, analysis of documentary materials, comparison, methods of mathematical statistics. The results. State sport institutions, on the balance sheet of which there are sport facilities, can receive benefits for the use of communal services from local state administrations. The last one also provide financial resources for the operation of these facilities. According to actual data, the growth of the budget of the children’s and youth sport schools in the current decade has been revealed, while the economic crisis and inflation have leveled the purchasing power in the country in general and for the studied children’s and youth sport school in particular. Today, funding needs remain significant. At the rowing base, it was possible to carry out: repair of buildings (coaching, changing rooms, room for storage and repair of equipment) and creation of spaces; repair of bathrooms, restoration of water supply and drainage; heating in the premises of the base; arrangement of parking for cars and buses; lighting of the territory of the rowing base; reconstruction of the gymnasium (in progress); conventional division of space into zones: training, recreation (tent, hammocks, etc.), entertainment (table tennis, badminton, sup-boarding). Conclusions. Spending on material and technical support, in particular on inventory and equipment, during the current decade was in the range from zero (in 2022) to 5.92% (in 2020). Spending on materials and tools for the reconstruction and repair of the rowing base, which is on the balance sheet of the school were in the range of 1.72% (in 2020) to 4.32% (in 2023). All other resources of the Anatoliy Didukh children’s and youth sport school directed the payment of labor and other items of expenses.


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