sports ballroom dancing, the stage of specialized basic training, disorders, musculoskeletal system, prevention, rehabilitation, recoveryAbstract
Introduction. The article deals with the issue of using special exercises for the prevention and correction of the musculoskeletal system of sportsmen engaged in ballroom dancing. Asymmetric execution of competitive composition exercises and dancer poses can lead to posture violations and imbalance in the development of leading physical qualitiest. The goal consisted in determining the effectiveness of the use of a complex of rehabilitation and restorative training exercises for the prevention of ORA violations in athletes aged 12-14 years who are engaged in sports ballroom dancing. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature and Internet resources, pedagogical observation and survey, methods of obtaining empirical data (physical fitness testing), pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. As a result of the research, it was found that the vast majority of trainers (73.3%) do not use rehabilitative training exercises due to lack of time or insufficient knowledge in this field. To assess the level of physical development of athletes-dancers, a complex of tests was used, which made it possible to determine the static and dynamic strength of the muscles of the abdominal press and back, the mobility of the spine during flexion and extension of the trunk, the mobility of the hip joints, as well as the speed and strength indicators of the muscles legs As a result of a pedagogical experiment, during which a complex of rehabilitation and restorative exercises was implemented, which included Pilates exercises, yoga gymnastics, corrective exercises and exercises for general development, which were carried out in the final part of the educational and training session. The results of the pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the use of the complex of rehabilitation and restorative guidance to eliminate risk factors for postural disorders, ORA injuries, as well as reducing indicators of motor functional asymmetry and unbalanced development of physical qualities.
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