attestation activity, qualification, assessment of preparedness, hand-to-hand combat, martial arts, beltAbstract
Actuality. The article examines the data of modern scientific research devoted to the analysis of the formation of teenagers' interest in martial arts. The modern system of multi-year training in sports martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, in particular, is aimed at the formation of a high level of skill of athletes in order to obtain the maximum possible competitive result. This approach encourages coaches to increase the volume of specialized work, including, due to the participation of athletes in the maximum possible number of competitions with installations for victory But a large part of those who want to engage in martial arts are motivated to master certain skills, form the appropriate psychological state, and develop various qualities. The introduction of a belt system for assessing the level of training of students in hand-to-hand combat, based on the experience of developing various types of martial arts in leading foreign countries, will allow the implementation of the latest training programs with the participation of large masses of the population, the purpose of which is primarily the formation of physical and mental health, moral stability and social adaptation of pupils of sports sections, and not participation and victory in competitions. Purpose. To substantiate the implementation of the belt system for evaluating the level of qualification of athletes in hand-to-hand combat. Methods. The work uses theoretical analysis and generalization of special scientific and methodical literature. The method of expert evaluations and the analysis of protocols of championships of Ukraine in hand-to-hand combat and certification activities of sports sections of the city of Kyiv were used to study the specifics of competitive and attestation activities. Results. It has been established that the modern system of training in many types of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat in particular is aimed at achieving the maximum possible result. A significant part of those wishing to engage in martial arts is motivated to master certain skills and develop the appropriate psychological state. The implementation of the belt system for evaluating the level of preparation of athletes in handto- hand combat almost fully satisfies the social ambitions of children who want to get a certificate of achievement as soon as possible, but at this stage do not have the opportunity to successfully perform in competitions.
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Міністерство молоді та спорту України. Наказ №15/5.3/21. 2021 квітень Правила спортивних змагань з рукопашного бою Доступні за посиланням: