beach handball, performance, efficiency, attacking actions, field playersAbstract
The formation of the direction of training influences at the stage of direct preparation for competitions and in competitive microcycles should take place taking into account the technical and tactical activities of leading athletes in the largest international competitions. The purpose of the study is to establish quantitative indicators of performance and effectiveness of various types of throws by players of various roles in beach handball and players of highly qualified female teams. Research methods. Analysis of information sources, observations, methods of mathematical statistics. The observation was carried out while watching videos of the games of the European Beach Handball Championship among female teams with the participation of the leading teams of the tournament. A total of 20 European Championship games were analyzed. Research results. The structure and content of the competitive activity of highly qualified female beach handball teams provides for an average of 37.03 attacks per game. The offensive efficiency indicators are 35.75 points per game on average. At the same time, the efficiency indicators are 51.20%, which indicates the focus of completing offensive actions with throws, the "value" of which is two points. A comparison of the structure and content of the competitive activity of the components of the general group showed the absence of reliable differences between the indicators of the components of the competitive activity in the first and second sets of the match. (p>0.05). In female teams of high qualification in beach handball, significantly more attacking actions are completed by field players with the help of throws, the "value" of which is two points – 29.9 attacks on average per game; a player of the game role "specialist" makes an average of 6.75 shots per game. No significant differences were found in the performance indicators of field players and "specialists" (p>0.05). The marked significant differences (p<0.001) in the superiority of the completion of offensive actions by players of high-skilled female teams using pirouettes over throws in flight and direct throws in indicators of quantitative execution, effectiveness and efficiency indicate the need for targeting offensive actions that will end with throws using pirouettes.
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