



ex-athletes, socialization, de-socialization, social adaptation, post-sports life, highly qualified athletes


The article examines the main reasons and factors that negatively affect the social sphere of former athletes in their post-sporting life. According to statistical data from the international sports arena, 30-33% of former athletes continue their careers in the field of physical culture and sports, while the majority are unable to "find themselves". It is noted that the main pr oblem of the unstable post-sporting life of former athletes is de-socialization, namely: the destruction and change of the usual system of values and its transition to new ones; changing social roles and accepting new ones. Therefore, the focus of this article is on describing the difficulties encountered by former athletes on their path of personal de-socialization (social adaptation) in post-sport life. The aim is to identify the main reasons and factors that have negatively impacted the social sphere of former athletes in their post-sport life. Research methods: The work employed theoretical research methods, including the analysis of scientific and methodological literature; sociological methods: surveys, testing; and mathematical statistics methods: analysis of survey data. All types of information gathering were conducted in an online format. Results. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on the scientific literature regarding the aspects of social adaptation of the athlete's personality in public life and the significance of sports in contemporary society. Identified were the current problems faced by former athletes in the context of social adaptation to public activities; factors that negatively affected the de-socialization of former athletes in life outside sports and the reasons for ending their sports careers. It was noted that the main problem of positive de-socialization of former athletes in the context of their post-sport life is the absence of an institution with modern tools that would prepare them for life outside sports and could positively influence the process of social adaptation. Conclusions. Based on the results obtained through surveys, it has been proven that professional sports significantly impact the formation of the athlete's personal value system. All this requires the establishment of basic conditions that would allow for systematic preparation of the foundation for each subsequent stage of the athlete's personality transformation in society outside of sports.


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