



freestyle wrestling, primary school age, physical education lessons, motivation, interest


The article substantiates the expediency of using elements of free wrestling in physical education lessons in junior grades. Summarizing the results of research by Ukrainian scientists proved that at the current stage of the development of physical culture and sports, the use of elements of freestyle wrestling in physical education lessons significantly increases the amount and quality of a child’s motor activity, develops the ability to act in unexpected situations, ingenuity, reactivity and the ability to speed and force loads . Physical training plays a key role in the gradual introduction of elements of freestyle wrestling into the physical culture program in the younger grades, aimed at the development of various physical qualities of the child. The main purpose of the study is to justify the feasibility of using elements of freestyle wrestling in physical education lessons in junior grades. Research methods – analysis of scientific and methodological literature, programs for children’s and youth sports schools, specialized children’s and youth schools of the Olympic reserve, schools of higher sports skills, specialized educational institutions of a sports profile and programs of general physical training with elements of struggle for students of grades 1–4. The organization of physical activity for children of primary school age with elements of freestyle wrestling has its own specific features, since a physical education teacher or coach must understand the parity of all selected types of training. The structural-parity model of the organization of physical activity of children of primary school age with elements of free struggle is based on the fact that at this age psychological and physical qualities are interconnected and integrated in the personality, the center of which is the motivational and need sphere, which is considered as a complex system of aspirations and incentives It consists of such important elements as general, special, technical, tactical, theoretical and psychological training. In working with younger schoolchildren, the leading role belongs to the psychological preparation of children, the formation of appropriate motivation, interest in free wrestling and its glorious history, the development of adequate self-esteem and self-attitude of the child.


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