


internal and external characteristics, quality, optimization, physical education and recreational activities, sports, rural areas


Relevance of the problem. In the modern institutional conditions of Ukraine's development, the management system for the socio-economic development of territorial communities is aimed at meeting social needs, taking into account the available resource capabilities and potential. The implementation of decentralization reform, which involves a significant increase in the influence of local government, also means providing communities with greater opportunities and responsibilities. This aspect actualizes the issue of local development of physical education, health and sports organizations, which depends on an effective management system. The purpose of the work is to optimize the efficiency of management of the sphere of physical culture and sports in territorial communities based on the analysis of external and internal factors of functioning. Research methods: analysis of literary sources and official documents, system analysis, organizational analysis, organizational modeling, questionnaires, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. Managing the development of a territorial society creates the prerequisites for ensuring its sustainable development using existing and potential opportunities to meet the physical education, health and sports needs of current and future generations. Among the areas of responsibility of local self-government bodies, the resolution of issues of economic, social, humanitarian, organizational, institutional and infrastructural nature is being updated. There is a process of restoration of the life of communities by local governments together with residents, representatives of public institutions with the support of the central government, as well as international partners. The sustainable development of self-sufficient territorial communities is an important factor in significantly increasing both the well-being of the population and intensifying the socio-economic development of the entire country. The system-forming factor of sustainable development is the effective management of all elements of the system. Analysis of documents and positions of respondents allowed us to formulate the following determinants of the effectiveness of management of the sphere of physical culture and sports at the level of territorial communities: fragmentation and insufficient coordination of the power vertical in the process of implementing the reform of decentralization of power; institutional uncertainty in the formation and implementation of socio-economic development by territorial communities through the sphere of physical culture and sports; analysis of the number of irrational management decisions; lack of methodological recommendations and instructions on organizing activities to ensure the functioning of the sphere of physical culture and sports in society; duplication of functions of control and subordination of interdepartmental physical culture and sports organizations (education, sports, tourism and recreation); lack of real tools for the financial and economic capabilities of agents in the market for physical education, health and sports services; incompleteness and inconsistency of institutional transformations in territorial communities.


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