organizational structure, functions, personnel, processes, policy, profileAbstract
Relevance of the problem. Organization of staffing is one of the pressing and complex issues in the field of physical culture and sports in Ukraine. Certain successes have been achieved in the system of training personnel for physical education, health and sports organizations: restructuring and adaptation of professional specialized education is taking place; the network of higher education institutions has been preserved; the process of restructuring specialties for the training of specialized specialists continues; the process of developing professional standards has begun; the process of developing state standards for personnel training continues. Among the unresolved issues remain the processes of distribution, placement, employment, motivation and regulation of human resources. The purpose of the work is to reveal the management structure and functions of regulating the formation of personnel resources in the physical culture and sports profile. Research methods: analysis of literary sources and documents, system analysis, structural and functional analysis. Research results. Effective use of human resources in conditions of market relations and instability poses a number of fundamental tasks for the management of physical education and sports organizations and the system of specialized education. Regulation of the formation and use of human resources is reflected in the basic principles of personnel policy of the state, regional authorities, as well as the internal management of physical culture and sports organizations. Treating talented, qualified, experienced specialists as a source of competitive advantage is the key to the development of the entire sphere of physical culture and sports. Regulation of human resources in the field of physical culture and sports includes: a set of goals, objectives, principles, methods, technologies, means, resources and instruments for the selection, training, use, development of professional knowledge, abilities, skills, capabilities of specialists; solving the problems of effective recruitment, retention of personnel and development of personnel potential of a physical culture and sports organization through the implementation of such key activities as personnel selection and the formation of a personnel potential base based on the use of modern technologies and work methods; formation of corporate culture; management of professional development, efficiency, rewards. Modern trends in regulating human resources in the field of physical education include research into the context of the European and state labor markets, the latest trends in the higher education sector; analysis of the changing changes in the qualification landscape in the conditions of instability of the current time; integration of the professional labor market; introducing the practice of academic recognition; intensification of student mobility under the influence of the cost of living crisis and the consequences of the pandemic, as well as war.
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