


innovative program, long-term training system, physical training, handball


The article describes the method of improving the physical training of handball players at the stage of preliminary basic training. It is noted that the development and implementation of new training methods, which take into account modern scientific achievements and innovations, allow to diversify the means of training to improve the effectiveness of the educational and training process in handball. Handball as a sport is characterized by a high need for continuous improvement of athletes' physical abilities. That is why the improvement of physical fitness in connection with other types of training at the initial stages in the system of multi-year improvement determines the necessary foundation of the general fitness of the athletes' body. Materials and methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observations, pedagogical experiment, method of determining the level of physical fitness, methods of mathematical statistics. Handball players aged 12-14 (n=20) participated in the study. The results. An innovative technique using a complex of exercises of the "Life Kinetik" system, aimed at increasing the level of physical fitness of athletes, was introduced. Physical exercises were divided into five main technical groups (exercises for visual control of the playing field, for improving the introduction of the ball, for improving the quality of position selection, exercises for synchronizing hands and feet, exercises for developing a shot at the goal) and were planned in the preparatory and the main parts of training classes, three times a week, 25-30 minutes each. Based on the study of the dynamics of the indicators, a positive influence of the exercise complexes on the level of physical fitness of the players was revealed. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of the investigated indicators allowed us to state that the athletes of the experimental group, who used the Life Kinetik system exercises in the training process, had better results compared to the control group. In the experimental group, the values of indicators of physical fitness of handball players improved from 5% to 31,7% after the end of the pedagogical experiment, in the control group these indicators were registered lower and amounted to 3,4% to 13%. Conclusions. The effectiveness of using the method of improving the physical training of handball players aged 12-14 has been proven. The practical value of the research lies in the recommendation of introducing innovative approaches to improving the physical qualities of players into the system of multi-year sports improvement, namely, at the stage of preliminary basic training.


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