


fitness, rehabilitation fitness, health, students, higher education institution


One of the pressing issues in Ukraine, especially in the last two decades, is the sharp increase in the number of students with low levels of health. The system of physical education in higher education institutions in Ukraine cannot fully overcome the lack of physical activity among students, ensuring effective recovery, preservation, and strengthening of their health. Therefore, there is an urgent need to implement modern forms of exercise, including rehabilitation fitness, for the health restoration of students. The aim of the study was to analyze the features of using rehabilitation fitness tools for student health restoration. It was found that rehabilitation fitness is a combination of traditional and modern health improvement techniques that can be used as a contemporary form of physical rehabilitation for restoring the functions of both the musculoskeletal system and other organ systems. It is emphasized that rehabilitation fitness offers exercises aimed at the proper distribution of body weight, retraining the body to perform the necessary techniques, restoring the necessary muscle balance, increasing endurance, improving coordination, agility, and speed while avoiding muscle and joint injuries. It is noted that the use of rehabilitation fitness tools is extremely important for the health restoration of students, especially in the conditions of modern stressful lifestyles. Modern fitness trends such as interval training, circuit training, fitball training, callanetics, pilates, fitness yoga, qigong, stretching, dance aerobics, and aqua fitness have a significant impact on both physical and mental health. These types of workouts not only physically strengthen students but also positively influence their mental health, helping to reduce stress and improve concentration. The application of rehabilitation fitness tools can be an effective means of maintaining and restoring the health of students during their studies in higher education institutions.


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