efficiency, management, social enterprise, social inclusion, economic inclusionAbstract
Relevance of the problem. The activities of sports clubs of various forms of ownership are under the negative influence of modern socio-economic conditions. The search and implementation of forms, approaches, means and tools for organizing physical education, health and sports work with different segments of the population of Ukraine in accordance with the requirements of the present is becoming relevant. An analysis of the domestic theory and practice of functioning of an extensive network of physical culture and sports organizations indicates that a network of sports clubs is the optimal means of improving the health and increasing physical activity of citizens, as well as the development of modern sports. The purpose of the work is to formulate strategic directions for the implementation of an integrated approach to optimizing the management of sports clubs. Research methods: analysis of literary sources and official documents, system analysis, organizational design. Research results. It should be noted that indicators of state policy for the development of a system of sports clubs include: the degree of state intervention in management and activities; autonomy; presence and functions of a governing body; financing system; commercialization of activities. The strategic directions for implementing an integrated approach to optimizing the management of sports clubs include: development of the sports industry by increasing the number of sports clubs; social and economic inclusion of the activities of sports clubs through the introduction of various forms of commercialization of activities and social entrepreneurship; effective interaction of state, regional and specific sports club policies on socio-economic development; providing the sports industry with financial resources to protect jobs and specialists from the risk of dismissal and loss of income; creation of public and private solidarity funds for sports clubs; effective implementation of innovations in the activities of sports clubs. Among the innovative approaches to the economic development of sports clubs, we note: attracting investment, digitalization of services and products; regional stimulation of economic development of the sports industry; development of effective business models for cooperation between various sectors of the economy and the sports industry; the use of high-tech solutions in the process of providing physical education, health and sports services; promoting an active research community.
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