


competitive activity, training, mixed martial arts, technical and tactical preparedness, hand-to-hand combat, competition.


The article examines the data of modern scientific research devoted to the analysis of the competitive activity of martial artists, as a mechanism for building a rational process of training athletes at various stages of the process of multi-year sports improvement. The structure of competitive activity is determined by aiming to achieve the maximum indicators of individual results in the chosen sport. The role of the key link in it is assigned to the sports result, based on which an effective system of training athletes is built. As you know, the effectiveness of building the educational and training process is a manifestation of the athlete's performance at competitions. It is in the difficult extreme conditions of the competition that the strengths and weaknesses of the martial arts' preparation are revealed. Systematic analysis, which is based on the data of the characteristics of the competitive activity of athletes, is an important means of developing new technologies and mechanisms for managing the training process. Purpose is to analyze the competitive activity of hand-to-hand combat athletes at various stages of the multi-year improvement process. Methods. The work uses theoretical analysis and generalization of special scientific and methodical literature. The method of expert evaluations and analysis of video materials of the All-Ukrainian handto- hand combat competitions held in 2022–2023 were used to study the specifics of competitive activity. Results. It has been established that the competitive activity of young athletes at the initial stages of multi-year improvement is determined by the general laws inherent in hand-to-hand combat, but has its own peculiarities. A competitive match of young athletes takes place most of the time in a standing position with a very high density and has a shock orientation, trying to compensate for the shortcomings in tactical training, the fighters perform a large number of technical actions, and the vast majority of applied technical and tactical actions are simple blows and techniques, the fight itself takes place on long distance between opponents, therefore, young men prefer kicks, the effectiveness of striking techniques remains low.


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