women, mature age, postural biomechanics disorders, somatotype, correction, technology, physical culture and sports rehabilitation.Abstract
Relevance of the issue. In today’s chronological section of progressive changes in Ukraine, the health of its citizens is defined as a component of nation formation, which is a determinant of numerous tasks of the social program regulated by the state. The potential of physical culture and sports rehabilitation in the projection of society provides for the possibility of revealing the one for gaining the prestige of Ukraine by means of the least expensive, but the most effective, as well as highly dynamic spiritual and physical rehabilitation of the nation. In the Law of Ukraine “On Physical Culture and Sports” № 3809-XII dated 24.12.1993, it is noted that physical culture and sports rehabilitation is a system of measures developed by means of physical exercises to restore a person’s health and aimed at restoring and compensating for functional capabilities of the body with the help of physical education and sports, which in its turn results in improving person’s physical and psychological state. Scientists note that the highest rate of morbidity is related to the class of circulatory system diseases, the second place in the incidence structure is occupied by functional disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Today, one of the most popular approaches to correcting postural biomechanics of mature women is recognized to be exercise using physical culture and sports rehabilitation. The aim of the study is to scientifically justify and develop the technology of physical culture and sports rehabilitation for women in the first period of mature age (office staff) with different state of posture biomechanics and somatotype. Research methods include analysis of literary sources, anthropometry, video recording and video computer analysis using the APECS AI system, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. The author’s technology for correcting disorders of women’s posture biomechanics, taking into account their somatotype in the process of physical culture and sports rehabilitation, is an ordered collection of valid and effective means and methods. The components of the technology are purpose, general and special tasks, principles, organizational and methodical conditions, stages (diagnostic, design, program and methodical), three periods of practical implementation (preparatory, general, supportive with the use of a physical exercise complex “Gymnastics of Joints”, a physical exercise complex using a fitball, a physical exercise complex for myofascial release (with a massage roll)). Conclusions. The conducted studies on the effectiveness of the technology for correcting disorders of women’s posture biomechanics, taking into account their somatotype in the process of physical culture and sports rehabilitation, confirm its valid – compared to traditional approaches – advantage, which gives possibility of increasing the effectiveness of taking corrective and preventive measures for women of mature age who suffer from biogeometric profile disorders.
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