personnel, resource, potential, regional management.Abstract
The article presents in detail the essence of human resources potential in the field of physical culture and sports. One of the priority areas of the ban on frequent systems of regional management of the sphere of physical culture and sports is to certify approaches to the use of human resources as part of the preparation and development of a physical strategy for culture and sports. In the conditions of regional management, a priority increase in the personnel potential of physical education and sports organizations is characterized. The need for significant basic ambushes of personnel neglect in the human resources management system in the sphere of physical culture and sports was discovered. The purpose of the study is to characterize the essence of the components of human resources potential in the field of physical culture and sports. Research methods: analysis of literary sources and analysis of documents, system analysis, structural and functional analysis, organizational modelling. Research results. It is noted that sustainable development of the sphere of physical culture and sports is impossible without personnel with a high level of professionalism and information literacy. The basis for the formation of personnel potential in the field of physical culture and sports is personnel policy, which is the general direction of personnel work, characterized by a set of principles, methods, forms, and an organizational mechanism for developing goals and objectives aimed at the selection and placement of personnel. The components that ensure the development of human resources in the field of physical culture and sports are: financial support; information support for the management system and development of human resources; scientific and methodological support (as the construction of a unified system of documents of an organizational and methodological nature that define norms, rules, requirements that are used to solve problems related to personnel development); motivational factors. However, as the results of the study indicate, the current supply of personnel in the sphere of physical culture and sports, both in quantitative and qualitative terms, does not yet meet the strategic objectives facing it. It has been established that the processes of formation, use and development of human resources in the field of physical culture and sports at all levels of government are influenced by the following factors: demographic, social, economic, educational, motivational, institutional, innovative and infrastructural.
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