


fitness recreation, physical activity, level of physical fitness, experiment, peculiarities of female students.


The article discusses the main possibilities of using modern programs in the process of classes with students. New programs of fitness and recreational physical activity have become a natural result of the search for effective ways to provide organized physical activity accessible to the general population for the sake of health promotion. The analysis of international experience and the results of a number of scientific studies shows that an effective way to increase the level of physical activity of different population groups in Ukraine can be the creation and implementation of various popular fitness programs of health, conditioning and sports directions in the system of physical education of youth and adults, as the most universal type of physical activity. Motor activity as a component of the educational process solves educational, upbringing, therapeutic, health and correctional tasks. Health-improving motor activity contributes to: mastering one's own body; development of spatio-temporal sensations; development of coordination motor skills; formation of voluntary regulation; creation of a functional resource of personality activity. The aim of our study was to investigate the motor activity and physical fitness of female university students. We analyzed data on the general characteristics of fitness in the system of physical education of young people and means of increasing the motor activity of students of higher education institutions. The methods of pedagogical control in the process of mastering students' fitness recreation skills, pedagogical experiment, analysis and generalization of literary sources, and physical fitness testing were used in the observation work. The study involved 28 girls attending classes. All participants passed physical fitness tests. After analyzing the results, we can conclude that the students demonstrate a satisfactory level of physical activity and physical fitness.


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