martial arts, hand-to-hand combat, technique, video computer analysis of athletes' movements, kinematic structure.Abstract
Topicality of the issue. The structure of athletes’ training process is based on existing patterns of sportsmanship development, which are characterised by specific features in certain kinds of sports. Martial arts belong to those sports where the dominant, priority emphasis is related to technical training of athletes. A wide arsenal of technical actions and a wide range of potential conflict situations, which are regularly revealed in the course of martial arts, determine the specifics of operations, actions and mechanisms for their improvement. Given the described conditions, the athlete should promptly assess current situation and correctly respond to its demands with effective and precise actions, which in its turn determines an important requirement for the set of their motor skills – the ability to maintain stability of the result against the background of significant variability of specific conditions. The aim of the study is to determine the kinematic features of a hand blow technique aimed at hitting the head from below in the frontal stance, performed of highly qualified athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat. Research methods include analysis of literary sources, video recording and biomechanical video computer analysis by means of optical-electronic system "Qualisys" (which includes seven synchronized infrared cameras), methods of mathematical statistics. Video shooting was carried out at a frequency of 100 k/s. We registered the technique of performing the studied motor action in 12 highly qualified athletes. Research results. A hand blow from below aimed at hitting the head from below in the frontal stance consists of the following phases: preparation for the blow; swing; impact movement; contact; return to the starting position. The duration of the phases of the active part of the blow (preparation for the blow, swing, impact movement and contact) is 0.51 s, while the duration of the passive part of the blow (the phase of returning to the starting position) is also 0.51 s. It should also be noted that the duration of the swing phase is relatively short (compared to other punches / blows with hands that have such a movement phase) and lasts only 0.13 s, which makes such blows barely noticeable to the opponent. Conclusions. The most important element of systematic consideration of the object as a systemic unity of theoretical and empirical approaches is modelling – the development of a model as a simplified system, an image, an analogue of the original, which preserves its main features. In the sports training of athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat, it can be related to quantitative and qualitative kinematic characteristics of motor actions technique, which ensures the achievement of planned results in competitions.
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