gymnastics, preparation, training process, readiness for competition, sportsmanship.Abstract
The article describes the peculiarities of the training process during the training of gymnasts. It is outlined that gymnastics in its highest form is such a model of manifestation of human abilities and capabilities, which is available to a few especially gifted girls, socially and morally aimed at this type of activity. This determines the intensity of the process of training gymnasts, dictates the laws of building such a pyramid, the basis of which would be provided at its top by a greater number of real masters of gymnastics. The article provides a scientific and methodological justification of the system of multiyear training as a purposeful managed process, which is based on a general concept, which is based on the unity of organizational, programmatic and methodological foundations, material and technical equipment of the process and is implemented by the systematic and comprehensive use of specific means and methods in combination with proper control. It is outlined that the goal of managing the training of gymnasts is to obtain the required results at the required time of the competition. It has been proven that if you rely on the data of the laws of the development of the sport, use progressive means and methods of training, and organizational forms, you can with full reason avoid the spontaneous course of events on the path of the movement of female athletes to high skill.
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