reform, sports, club system, integration.Abstract
The article examines the main vectors of reforming the sphere of physical culture and sports. It is noted that creating optimal conditions for the harmonious development of the younger generation is a multi-vector issue. Considering the specificity and diversity of spheres of influence, factors and interactions that shape the physical, emotional, intellectual and social development of young people, sports clubs are considered the optimal structure in shaping the value of cooperation and building social relationships. The advantages of developing a club system as an alternative to the system of sports schools for the mass popularization of sports are presented. The purpose of the study is to characterize the trend of optimizing the activities of sports clubs. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, analysis of documents, system analysis, structural and functional analysis, organizational forecasting. Research results. The study found that considering sport as a key element of the economic development strategy of regions and the state, its main economic advantages are: generating income, restoring infrastructure, creating additional jobs, and promoting the region. The optimal organizational and legal form in the process of developing mass sports and solving related problems are sports clubs. One of the most important components of transformations in the field of physical culture and sports should be the transition from a system of sports schools to a system of sports clubs. Among the challenges of priority support for sports clubs are: high initial costs, shortterm benefits, and disproportion of regional benefits. Ensuring the proper development of children and adolescents is a complex task requiring social inclusion, holistic education, physical and emotional health, equal opportunities and cooperation between different sectors of society. The open society system involves creating conditions where integrated sports clubs will act as a platform for stable growth and development of the sphere of physical culture and sports. The implementation of this idea as a project involves the creation of technology, the organization of reform management and a project office, the formulation of technical specifications, the provision of resources and clear cooperation with all stakeholders.
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