physical culture lesson, physical education, special medical group (SMG).Abstract
The article reveals the main problems of physical education in special medical groups in institutions of general secondary education. Purpose: to get acquainted with the current problems of this issue in the system of general secondary education institutions and to determine the means and methods of solving it. Methods of work: theoretical research methods were used in the work: analysis, comparison, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, documents and information resources of the Internet network on the investigated problem. Results: Physical culture is included in the educational standard as one of the main subjects. The importance of physical culture is manifested in the improvement and maintenance of health. Experts note that in the conditions of the modern environment, children have an extremely low level of health and physical activity. Work with students assigned to a special medical group (SMG) due to their health status occupies one of the important places in the implementation of the tasks of physical culture of schoolchildren in general secondary education institutions. Systematic classes in physical culture in the system of general secondary education institutions contribute to the development of physical qualities, and most importantly stabilizes and improves the health of children of different ages. Conclusions: the theoretical analysis of modern scientific and methodical sources testified that correctly selected methods and means of influencing the child’s body through physical education strengthen children’s health and improve their physical development and emotional mood, which is very important for children assigned to SMG.
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