policy, strategy, development, state, management, sports organizations.Abstract
The article attempts to study political strategies in the field of state management of physical culture and sports, since their introduction and implementation will create opportunities to take into account the individual interests of each person in the formation of a policy for the development of physical culture and sports based on new economic transformations and market relations, based on democratic and humanistic foundations and European standards of life. Materials and methods. During the research, both general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, unity of historical and logical) and separate methodological approaches to interdisciplinary content were used, namely: systemic, comparative and structural-functional analysis. The article reflects publications based on modern research material. The content of normative-parvo documents, revealing the essence of state management in the sphere of physical culture and sports, was subject to a detailed analysis. Discussion. The priority directions of development of the sphere of physical culture and sports of Ukraine are determined, taking into account the system of resource provision of the sphere. The classification of interrelations between the state policy and the strategy of state management in the field of physical culture and sports is presented, which is revealed in the need to establish a dialogue interaction between the state and society. Results. The political strategy of state management in the field of physical culture and sports is the principles, means and methods by which the subjects satisfy their interests and solve specific problems. This is a process of strategic planning and management based on the interests of all social groups of the population. The optimal political strategy provides a balance between the economic and social components of the sphere. Thus, the structure of the political strategy of state management in the sphere of physical culture and sports includes the following components: – economic (methods and ways of implementation of resource provision); – normative (principles and methods of organizing the sphere of physical culture and sports); – social (participation of individuals and their associations in the process of strategy formation); – structural and managerial (methods and ways of managing the sphere of physical culture and sports); – communicative (procedures of information exchange between subjects and objects of the sphere of physical culture and sports). It is the optimal mechanism for the interaction of these components that allows for a constructive dialogue between subjects and objects of the sphere of physical culture and sports, to assess the quality of physical culture and sports services by consumers, and to expand the possibilities of satisfying all stakeholders in reforming the sphere.
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