


swimmers, theoretical training, initial training, interactive tools


Relevance of the problem. In modern high-performance sports, effective training of athletes is impossible without a combination of physical, technical, tactical and theoretical aspects. Swimming as an Olympic sport requires not only perfect physical development, but also deep knowledge that ensures the conscious performance of training and competitive tasks. Purpose: to determine the features of theoretical training of athletes in swimming. Research methods: The work used theoretical research methods: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodological literature. Results: one of the main tasks that are solved in the training process is the acquisition of theoretical knowledge that is necessary for the successful training and competitive activities of athletes. For initial training groups, there are no clearly defined number of topics that are proposed for consideration at this stage of training, and the number of hours that should be allocated for their study. The program material on theoretical training is presented only in general phrases: “familiarization with a rational daily routine, the basics of hygiene, rules of conduct during training sessions”. For groups of preliminary basic training of the 1st – 4th years of study, theoretical training is reduced to studying the rules of competitions, personal and public hygiene. The number of hours per year allocated for theoretical training of athletes is from five (in the 1st year of study) to six (in the 2nd – 4th years of study). In percentage values, the share of theoretical training in the total annual load for swimmers specializing in distances of 50, 100, 200 m ranges from 1.54% to 1.45% in the 1st year of training, from 1.48% to 1.41% in the 2nd year of training, from 1.10% to 1.06% in the 3rd year of training and from 0.96% to 0.93% in the 4th year of training; and for swimmers specializing in distances of 400, 500, 1500 m it ranges from 1.30% to 1.23% in the 1st year of training, from 1.16% to 1.12% in the 2nd year of training and from 0.91% to 0.89% in the 3rd year of training. Conclusions: The lack of proper scientific and methodological substantiation of the structure and content of theoretical training, as well as objective criteria for monitoring its level, at all stages of the long-term improvement of swimming athletes has been established.


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