


mature age, women, posture, self-rated health, posture, joint pain


Relevance of the problem. The global nature of the scientific problem of declining population health prompted scientists, in addition to partially considering individual issues of preserving the health of the population, to propose conceptual provisions for organizing measures to protect and strengthen the health of various segments of the population, including women of mature age. The purpose of the study is to determine the self-assessment of the health of women in the first period of mature age. Research methods: analysis of literary sources, pedagogical experiment, medical and biological research methods: photography and visual screening of the state of the biogeometric profile of posture. Analytical data obtained within the framework of the experiment, reflecting certain types of posture disorders, were further processed by an orthopedic doctor to formulate conclusions about the type of posture of the experimental women in the first period of mature age, methods of mathematical statistics. Research results. It was found that: 1) joint pain is a significant factor associated with posture disorders, namely, women with joint pain more often had impaired posture; 2) the presence of leg edema is associated with posture disorders, especially among women with joint pain; 3) women who assessed their health as good had normal posture, while those who assessed it as satisfactory had impaired posture; 4) sleep loss was a significant factor associated with posture disorders, particularly among women with leg edema; 5) headache was found to be the last significant factor associated with posture disorders. Thus, the relationship between posture and self-esteem of women's health can be explained in two ways. If it is normal, self-esteem of health is better, the number of complaints about its disorders is much lower. If it is disturbed, regardless of the type of such disturbance, self-esteem of health is lower, complaints are much more frequent, especially about joint pain and swelling in the legs, headache, tingling in the body, back pain, sleep loss are more often observed. On the other hand, the decision tree analysis, where the type of posture acts as a dependent variable, also confirmed that the presence of joint pain, leg swelling, sleep loss and headache is associated with a higher frequency of posture disorders. In addition, it has been proven that age is not a decisive factor within the first period of maturity in women, and self-esteem of health depends to a greater extent on the normality/impairment of their posture. Conclusions. It has been proven that age is not a decisive factor within the first period of maturity in women, and self-esteem of health depends to a greater extent on the normality/impairment of their posture.


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