



traditional archery, Turkish archery, traditional archery competition, archery training


The relevance lies in the systematization of knowledge about Turkish traditional archery as a form of motor activity, since there is little information in the Ukrainian segment of the Internet in this direction. The purpose of the work is to present a holistic analysis of the peculiarities of the formation and development of Turkish traditional (national) archery. Methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, theoretical analysis and generalization, systematic analysis and elements of historical research methods, in particular the historicalcomparative method. For the review and comparative analysis of scientific works, the literature databases Scopus, Google Scholar, and Web of Science from the above-mentioned direction were used, as well as the official Web pages of organizations of traditional sports, including archery. It is revealed that Turkish archery is divided into horse and foot. Yes, archery on foot is: shooting at puta targets, shooting at a long distance and shooting at the maximum distance. Research results: it was established that traditional archery is widely used in many spheres of Turkish life: as a motor activity, sports, religious and ceremonial rites, a way of entertainment, etc. It is emphasized that the use of bow and arrows has become traditional. It was revealed that competitive activity in traditional Turkish archery began to develop in the Middle Ages. The article describes the training approach in Turkish archery. It was revealed that Turkish traditional archery is recognized as an intangible cultural heritage of Turks. Various organizations of traditional Turkish archery also function. It has been established that there are more than 1,300 establishments that practice traditional Turkish archery.


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