



human potential, personnel, sports organizations, labor market, employment, social and economic role.


The article presents that the multi-vector nature of the sphere of physical culture and sports implies its participation in the formation, strengthening, preservation of the health of citizens, increasing the working capacity and increasing the duration of the active life of the population, and establishing the international sports authority of Ukraine. At the same time, there is an underestimation of the socio-economic, health-improving and educational role of physical culture and sports in the country, there is no clearly coordinated program of interaction between various state structures and public organizations participating in the physical culture and sports movement, which negatively affects the health of the population and social economic development of the state. And one of the key problems that the sphere faces is the discrepancy between the public demands and the needs of the state and the European standards of its staffing system. One of the effective tools for overcoming shortcomings in the functioning and development of the system is social dialogue, which will take into account internal causes and European integration aspirations. Materials and methods. The methodological basis of the study is focused on a comprehensive solution to the problem that requires an interdisciplinary approach. Methods of analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization. Discussion. The authors present the foundations of the European policy on building a social dialogue in the field of sports. The interrelation between the development of human capital and the system of staffing in the sphere of physical culture and sports is revealed. The tendencies of the labor market development in the field of physical culture and sports in Ukraine are presented, focusing on the prospects for the development of education. Results. The system of physical culture and sports education in Ukraine is developing in a market environment, the main parameters of which are the state of supply and demand for goods, the labor force of a specialist in the field of physical culture and sports. The basis of the market environment is the sectoral labor market, functioning and developing in close relationship with the market of educational services provided by institutions of professional higher and higher education in the specialties 017 Physical culture and sports, 014.11 Secondary education (physical culture). Accordingly, one of the ways to achieve consistency among the subjects of the labor market in the field of physical culture and sports is the introduction of systemic monitoring of the sectoral labor market at all levels of the administrativeterritorial structure, as well as the adjustment of the relevant regulatory framework. Optimization of staffing in the sphere of physical culture and sports is a set of actions aimed at developing human resources. The way to implement this vector of development of the sphere is planning of personnel needs; establishing qualification requirements for relevant professions; training and continuous professional development of specialists; certification of the readiness of specialists for the effective performance of functional duties; implementation of material and moral incentives for employees. Social dialogue on the issues of staffing the sphere of physical culture and sports should be aimed at adapting to the changing labor market against the background of the transition to a digital and climate-neutral economy and the emergence of new forms of employment. The results of the social dialogue between employers, employees and representatives of institutions of professional higher and higher education will help improve the living and working conditions of specialists (wages, working hours, annual leave, parental leave, training, health and safety measures).


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