danger, risk factor, sports tourism, safety of competitions, ensuring safetyAbstract
The relevance of the work is devoted to ensuring the safety of sports tourism competitions. Sports tourism competitions are a popular and spectacular sport. However, due to their specific nature, they can carry potential danger. A number of documents regulate the conduct of sports tourism competitions. They contain some requirements and recommendations for ensuring the safety of competitions. However, these recommendations do not cover all possible dangerous situations and ways of their occurrence. The Deputy Chief Safety Judge is responsible for compliance with safety requirements during the competition. To facilitate its work, it is proposed to bring together all possible ways of occurrence of dangerous situations that may arise during the preparation and conduct of competitions. Hazardous situations can occur at different stages of competition preparation and under the influence of various factors. The total volume of all possible hazardous situations is very large. This can create difficulties in the work of people who ensure the safety of the competition. Objective. To facilitate their work, ease of perception of information and completeness of its coverage, it is proposed to systematize all dangerous situations by different stages of preparation and holding of competitions. Research methods: Based on many years of observation of the preparation, holding of competitions and analysis of literature sources existing in related fields of knowledge, it is proposed to structure all the collected material in a form convenient for further work. Research results. The article proposes the following structuring of the stages of preparation and holding of competitions: – preliminary planning of the competition; – direct preparation for the competition; – the period of the competition; – actions after the closure of the competition; – desk review of the results of the competition. As a second grading scale, the following hazard factors are proposed: – human factor; – equipment; – environment; and as a separate factor, a group of situations related to errors in determining the competition procedure is distinguished. For ease of perception, this data is presented in the form of tables. The use of these tables simplifies the work on ensuring safety during sports tourism competitions. This approach to solving the task was tested during the Ukrainian Championships in mountain sports tourism, where it was highly appreciated by experts.
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