leadership qualities, physical fitness, means of physical training, future officer, military-applied skillsAbstract
The article examines the influence of the level of physical training on the formation of leadership qualities of future officers. The requirements for the commander-leader have been considered. They studied the influence of the educational disciplines "Leadership" and "Combat system of survival of soldiers, tactical medicine" on the formation of leadership qualities and military applied skills. They studied the influence of applied military exercises, exercises with weapons, endurance exercises that form psychological stability on the formation of leadership competencies. The influence of tactical medicine exercises individually and in pairs on the formation of physical and moral-willed qualities was studied. They studied the sports achievements of the cadets, methods of increasing their motivation for physical training classes. The homogeneity of the groups and the dynamics of the development of physical fitness indicators were studied. Formed recommendations for the development of leadership abilities of future officers. In physical training classes, it is recommended to increase the number of applied military exercises, exercises with weapons, endurance exercises that build psychological resilience, as well as tactical medicine exercises, where actions are performed individually and in pairs (carrying (evacuation), the wounded, pulling out equipment and loading on it)). In order to form leadership and moral-willed qualities, adhere to the regime of performing the specified exercises without rest and for a long time.
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