adaptive physical education, auditory derivation, schoolchildren, design, methodological techniques, means, artificial control environment, steady-state body balanceAbstract
The relevance of the problem. According to the scientific community, the presence of hearing deprivation in primary school children is accompanied by a deterioration in the level of physical condition, insufficient development of physical qualities. In today's conditions, it is noted that the effectiveness of the process of adaptive physical education is increased through the search for effective organizational and methodological approaches to physical education lessons for schoolchildren with hearing deprivation, integration of the latest technologies into their content. The purpose of the study – to substantiate the content and main provisions of the technology of designing and implementing methodological techniques and means of "artificial control environment" in the process of adaptive physical education of primary school children with hearing deprivation. Research methods: analysis of scientific literature, pedagogical experiment. In the course of the study of the ability to preserve the steady-state dynamic balance of the body of the examined children with hearing impairment, we used the method of stabilography, which was carried out using a computer stabilizer with biofeedback "Stabilan-01-2". Mathematical and statistical processing and analysis of the data was carried out using the computational and graphical capabilities of the Statistica (StatSoft, version 10.0) and Microsoft Excel 2010 software packages. The experimental studies were conducted at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University. The study involved 8 boys and 11 girls with hearing impairment aged 8 years. Results of the study. The data obtained served as the basis for the development of technology for the design and implementation of methodological techniques, means of "artificial control environment" in the process of adaptive physical education of primary school children with hearing deprivation aimed at developing static and dynamic body balance, spatial orientation. The distinctive features of the author's technology are: goal, tasks, methodological principles of physical education and special pedagogical principles of adaptive physical education. The tasks set in the research are projected for 3 periods and stages of realization of the author's technology with the use of fitness equipment in preventive and health-improving measures. The design of technology is based on the principles of organization of "artificial control environment" and the following stages: search and diagnostic, conceptual, design, control, transforming. Conclusions. The proposed study substantiates the content and main provisions of the technology of designing and implementing methodological techniques and means of "artificial control environment" in the process of AFV of primary school children with hearing deprivation.
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