


sport, physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, sports wrestling


The article deals with the problem of injuries in sports wrestling. The given data indicate the prevalence of traumatic injuries both among high-class athletes and in children's and youth sports schools. The purpose of the work: the study of injuries and their causes in sports wrestling. Research methods: analysis of special literature, analysis of medical documentation, archival documents, conversation, survey. The results of the study: it is shown that the intensity of sports wrestling and the related intensity of physical and technical training of athletes significantly increase the probability of injury and acquisition of occupational diseases. The analysis of medical documents showed that the largest number of injuries in sports wrestling is caused by nosebleeds (21.0%); damage to the ligaments of the carpal joint (17.0%), bruises of the soft tissues of the head, upper and lower extremities (14.0%). 84.0% of high-class athletes also have health abnormalities according to electrocardiography data. According to the results of the study of the medical records of young athletes, it was established that the most common injuries are sprains (55.6%), knocks (38.9%), rib fractures (12.0%); injuries of the knee joint – (10.5%); damage to the ligaments of the shoulder joints (9.0%); elbow joint injuries (6.5%); spine injuries (5.6%). The causes of injuries have been determined, mostly due to violations of the pedagogical process: violations of discipline, behavior on the carpet; violation of the sequence of teaching the elements of struggle; inadequate choice of partners; unpreparedness for participation in competitions (early performances); lack of insurance and self-insurance skills; "critical poses"; inability to correctly conduct and complete competitive fights against the background of deep fatigue; inability to create familiar and necessary situations for the realization of advantage. Non-observance of the physiologically based structure of the training process, neglect of the individual characteristics of wrestlers, their age, physical and technical preparation leads to overloading of organs and systems of the body and creates a favorable ground for the occurrence of sports injuries, injuries and occupational diseases.


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