innovative games, means, physical Education, preschool ageAbstract
An important direction of physical education of preschool children is the use of various forms and means for their harmonious development, among which an important place is given to play activities. The purpose of the study: to justify the effectiveness of using innovative games in the physical education of preschool children. Methods of the theoretical level of research: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature. The results. Game activity in physical education is represented by an extremely wide variety of directions, tasks, complexes of means and methods. Improvement of the content of physical education and health work of preschool children involves the use of such means of innovative games as: finger games, sensory-motor games, interactive games, games with natural material, movementdidactic games, travel games, quest games, game psycho-gymnastics, color therapy games. The main directions of the implementation of physical education classes using the means of innovative games are specific ones, the essence of which is to improve motor skills, development of motor qualities, improving the health of children, and general pedagogical ones, which provide for an increase in the level of mental development of children (through the activation of thinking activity based on motor activity ; sensory development; the development of children's vocabulary), education of personal qualities, moral values, aesthetic culture. Conclusions. In the course of the search for innovative pedagogical technologies for the organization of physical education classes with preschool children, the significance of game activities was revealed. The analysis of the scientific and methodical literature proved that the introduction of innovative game tools is one of the priority directions for improving the content and forms of physical education organization in primary education. The use of innovative games in the physical education of preschool children allows you to satisfy their interests and needs in motor activity, teach them to control their body, stabilize feelings and emotions, develop not only physical, but also mental, intellectual and aesthetic qualities. In order to increase children's interest in physical education, it is advisable to introduce the means of innovative games into the process of physical education.
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