professional-applied physical training, musicians, muscle fatigue, physical fitness, motor activity, harmonization, adaptation, psychophysiological state, somatic human healthAbstract
The article considers the theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of building the process of vocational and applied physical training of students of higher educational institutions. One of the foundations of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports is the provision of conditions for supporting the areas of physical culture and sports. The formation and implementation of state policy in the field provides a list of indicators of the state of development of physical culture and sports, namely indicators of the level of: physical health of different population groups. The areas of training of specialists in higher education institutions in accordance with the requirements for psychophysiological features of professional activity, as well as programs, models of means of developing psychophysiological qualities and the algorithm of their use in the educational process are considered. To reveal the basics of designing programs of professional and applied physical training of students. Peculiarities of programming, modeling, management of the system of vocational and applied physical training of students in the system of higher education were studied. The obtained data indicate that physical fitness contributes to ensuring the training of the students' body and thereby creates the basis of the professional performance of student musicians.
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