


scientific research, doping, programs, meaning, study, sports activity


Conducting anti-doping educational activities is becoming an increasingly important and urgent task in the fight against doping. At the same time, generalization of the state of scientific discussion of antidoping activities in sports requires its own coverage. Purpose: to find out the meaning of the scientific discussion of anti-doping in sports. Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of data from scientific and methodological literature, abstraction, historical method, comparison. The article uses relevant scientific and methodological information on the issues of content of anti-doping activities and solving scientific and practical problems on the problem of detection and prevention of doping among athletes. Results. Among Ukrainian researchers, a rather small part paid attention to antidoping issues. Among the works of foreign experts, attention to anti-doping issues is naturally higher. The key factor in this is the longer period of focused and organized work in this area. Despite the existence of a small number of anti-doping programs, the overall anti-doping policy in Ukraine is only partially formed. Questions arise as to the content of anti-doping programs and measures among sports participants, to determine their effectiveness, and to justify areas for improvement, control and prevention of doping. Clarifying the degree of scientific discussion of anti-doping issues in sports indicates key issues in the works of Ukrainian specialists related to the general interpretation of antidoping activities, disclosure of general rules and algorithms for combating doping, etc. Foreign experts focus on the modernization of procedures for detecting prohibited substances, biochemical and physiological justification of the ban. The relevance of conducting several studies to prevent the use of doping, implementing educational and preventive work on doping and other violations among sports participants is obvious. Conclusions. Despite the insufficient attention of scientists to the problems of using doping to improve sports performance and anti-doping issues, the whole range of relevant scientific and practical tasks is in the focus of modern public attention.


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