metabolic syndrome, physical condition, physical health, European Physical Condition Test, rapid assessment of somatic health, chronic pain of the musculoskeletal system, cardiorespiratory systemAbstract
Relevance of the problem. The main prerequisites for the development of various aspects of human life are health and a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, the problem of strengthening, maintaining and improving health is becoming increasingly relevant, due to the decline in somatic health indicators of the population, an increase in the number of pathological and hereditary diseases. The health of young people is affected by a very large number of negative factors, such as physical inactivity, neuro-emotional and mental stress of educational activities, a disproportionate ratio of work and rest, unbalanced nutrition, the influence of bad habits, and an unfavorable state of the environment. Therefore, the assessment of physical health, physical fitness, as well as the study of the cardiorespiratory system of young people with metabolic syndrome and chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system are very relevant in our time. The purpose of the study is to assess the cardiorespiratory system, the level of somatic health and physical fitness of young women with metabolic syndrome and chronic pain in the musculoskeletal system. To achieve the stated objectives of the study, we used theoretical methods (analysis of scientific and methodological literature, theoretical analysis and generalization, system analysis), pedagogical research (testing physical fitness indicators, assessing the level of physical condition according to the forecasting method of O.A. Pirogova and the level of physical (somatic) health according to G.L. Apanasenko), mathematical statistical processing of data. Results. Most of the women studied had stage I arterial hypertension. The heart rate was within the range of 88.5±13.07 per minute, which indicated a significant excess of physiological values in the women studied. Assessment of the level of physical condition using O.A. Pirogova's forecasting method showed that most women corresponded to a low level of physical condition. The overwhelming majority of women had an individual result corresponding to a below average level of physical condition; also, during the study, no individuals with high or above average levels of physical condition were identified. The assessment of physical health characteristics using the method of G.L. Apanasenko allowed us to establish that the overwhelming majority of women had an individual result corresponding to low and below average levels. No individuals with a high level of physical health were identified either, which leads to the need to develop measures aimed at restoring the health level of the studied contingent. Conclusions. The data obtained indicate existing problems in terms of indicators characterizing the activity of the cardiorespiratory system. According to the Robinson Index, which characterizes the systolic work of the heart, the average values do not correspond to a low level. This concerns the revealed indicators of the strength index and the time of recovery of the heart rate after a standard load. Only for the vital index indicators are the average values within the average level. The average BMI indicators indicate a significant excess of the required body weight.
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