



motor disorders, children with visual impairment, visual analyzer, kinesthetic sensations.


The article examines the data of modern scientific research devoted to the analysis of the manifestation of motor disorders in children with vision derivation. Incorrect functioning of the visual analyzer leads to violations in physical and mental development, starting from childhood. Children with pathology of the visual organs have difficulties in imitating and mastering spatial representations and motor actions, an incorrect posture is formed when performing motor actions. A decrease in motor activity leads to a low development of muscle strength, disorders in the development of the musculoskeletal system. These movement disorders are a limitation in the development of fine motor skills. It has been established that a sedentary lifestyle leads to deformations of the skeleton and muscle weakness. In children with derivation of vision, weak development of all functional systems (cardiovascular, autonomic systems) is observed, coordination development is disturbed (orientation in space, sensory and perceptual abilities), all levels of motor development suffer. These factors influence the occurrence of spontaneous movements of various parts of the body. For the correction of motor disorders in children with visual derivation, the pathology of the sensorimotor sphere associated with the disorder plays an important role kinesthetic sense. It manifests itself in a wrong idea about the completed and already perfect movement, in problems associated with a violation of motor-kinesthetic memory. It is this memory that underlies the mastery of all movement acts without exception. Violation of kinesthetic sensations does not allow persons with motor disorders to correctly reproduce the scheme of motor action, given sounds, words. This can lead to insufficient cortical analysis of kinesthetic impulses. They are manifested in the difficulty of choosing the right combination of movements, which can also be observed in children with visual derivation.


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