training, shooting, interactive tools, theoretical preparationAbstract
Theoretical training at the stage of preliminary basic training of shooters is an important component of the development of athletes. It is aimed at providing the necessary knowledge that creates a basis for further improvement of technical and tactical skills. At this stage, shooters learn the basics of shooting theory, safety rules, basic principles of anatomy and physiology, which help to understand how the body functions during shooting exercises. The purpose of the research is to improve the level of theoretical training of rifle shooters at the stage of preliminary basic training by using interactive means of theoretical training. Research methods. The work used methods of the theoretical level of research: analysis, comparison, induction, deduction, systematization and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; methods of empirical level of research and methods of mathematical statistics. Work results. At the formative stage of the research in the experimental group, the result in the section "History of shooting with a rifle" was 0.83 points (р<0.05) higher compared to the control group, in the section "Safety rules and shooting ethics" – by 0.72 points (p<0.05), in the section "Technical aspects of shooting with a rifle" – by 1.29 points (p<0.05), in the section "Physical preparation and training" – by 1.03 points (p<0, 05), according to the section "Competitive activities in rifle shooting" – by 1.10 points (p<0.05), according to the section "Hygiene and shooter's regime" – by 0.78 points (p<0.05), according to section "Material and technical support" – by 0.76 points (р<0.05). Conclusions. The results of the pedagogical experiment demonstrate the significant advantages of using interactive tools in the theoretical training of shooters compared to traditional training methods.
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