school age children, game, adaptive physical education, visual impairmentAbstract
The urgency of the problem. The process of adaptive physical education of schoolchildren with visual impairment carries out special tasks that have both corrective, compensatory, preventive, and therapeutic and restorative orientations. Adaptive physical education of schoolchildren is implemented taking into account an individual approach to regulating physical load and readiness, as well as to their sensory capabilities. The purpose of the scientific research was to analyze the peculiarities of the organization of the process of adaptive physical education with schoolchildren with visual impairment. The results. Scientists note that the main form of work during physical education lessons for schoolchildren with visual impairment is a game. It is scientifically proven that the game should correspond to the age of schoolchildren, their physical development and the skills they possess. Conclusions. Physical education of children with visual impairments is an important component of education, as it is aimed at comprehensive development of children, preparing them for life and work, forming motor skills and abilities, achieving a high level of physical fitness, increasing work capacity. Under the influence of targeted physical education and the use of a system of moving games, the movement analyzer is rebuilt, and muscle performance improves.
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