


armed forces, combat readiness, physical requirements, physical training, training, military professional activity.


The military professional activity of servicemen and women is based on performing complex, physically demanding tasks, often in extreme situations. An important component necessary to ensure combat readiness and reduce the risk of personnel losses while performing these tasks is the functional fitness of military personnel. A high level of physical, psychological and cognitive readiness contributes to the ability of servicemen to perform tasks effectively in adverse conditions and under stress. The development of military technologies and strategies for conducting combat operations requires the adaptation of military personnel's combat readiness to new challenges. This leads to a constant search for and improvement of programs for testing the physical readiness of military personnel. The purpose of this study is to theoretically analyze the programs for assessing the physical readiness of military personnel of military units from different countries. To achieve this goal, we used the following research methods: methods of theoretical analysis, including analysis of scientific and methodological literature and documentary materials, system analysis, axiological analysis, conceptual analysis and generalization of information from domestic and foreign sources. The study analyzed various existing physical fitness testing programs for military personnel of various military units of the Armed Forces of the United States of America, Great Britain, Germany, and India. We have found that physical fitness tests for military personnel of any country consist of specialized exercises, taking into account the peculiarities of their military and professional activities. These exercises are aimed at ensuring the functional fitness of each serviceman, which allows them to effectively and confidently perform their functional duties in various adverse conditions that may arise during service. The significance of the correct selection of exercises for the test to assess the physical readiness of servicemen is determined, since this affects the effectiveness and efficiency of achieving professional tasks, as well as the preservation of life and health of personnel in general. Thus, a well-built system of physical training is the main element in maintaining the combat capability and effectiveness of military personnel in modern conditions of military and professional activity.


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